Thursday, February 17, 2011


Veterans who lose their homes to a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure can now receive up to $1,500 in relocation assistance.

The VA has for years incentivized mortgage servicers to work with veterans on the edge of default. Now, the agency has directed its approved servicers to provide that cash advance to borrowers who use a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure or who complete a VA compromise claim to unload their short sale.

The directive went into effect on Jan. 6. Borrowers can use the money to cover moving expenses or to simply pay for lodging while they deal with the pending loss of their home.

"VA has a longstanding policy of encouraging servicers to work with veteran borrowers to explore all reasonable options to help them retain their homes or, when that is not feasible, to mitigate losses by pursuing alternatives to foreclosure," according to the two-page VA circular released on the subject. "These options generally provide a substantially better outcome than a foreclosure sale for borrowers, investors, and communities."

Borrowers won't receive that assistance as part of sale proceeds. The VA plans to reimburse servicers, who can secure a reimbursement up to the maximum VA guaranty along with any costs associated with resale.

The measure comes in part as a cost efficiency tool. Short sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure take considerably less time and money to complete than the traditional foreclosure process. The odds are also better that the property will remain in good shape.

Servicers are expected to notify borrowers of their options regarding foreclosure.

Furthermore, the VA continues to push servicers to follow Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) procedures regarding potential short sales, mostly by halting any foreclosure proceedings while borrowers evaluate their options.

Despite the economic environment, VA loans as a whole continue to thrive in the face of foreclosure. These government-backed loans have the lowest rate of foreclosure among major lending programs, a staggering fact considering that 90 percent of VA loans come with no down payment.

VA officials continue to work hard to keep veterans in their homes. In fact, nearly 75 percent of the VA borrowers who defaulted in 2009 were able to avoid foreclosure.

A slightly different version of this article was published originally on, a leading source of real estate, mortgage and foreclosure news and information.

LPS Applied Analytics released their December Mortgage Performance data. According to LPS:

• The average loan in foreclosure has been delinquent a record 507 days. This is up from 406 days at the end of 2009, and up from 499 days at the end of November.

• Overall, mortgage delinquencies dropped nearly 18% in 2010.

• On the other hand, foreclosure inventories were up almost 10% in 2010, and are now at nearly 8x historical averages

• “First-time” foreclosures are on the decline, with over 30% of new foreclosure starts having been in foreclosure before

Click on graph for larger image in graph gallery.

This graph provided by LPS Applied Analytics shows the percent delinquent, percent in foreclosure, and total non-current mortgages.

The percent in the foreclosure process is trending up because of the foreclosure moratoriums.

According to LPS, 8.83% of mortgages are delinquent (down from 9.02% in November), and another 4.15% are in the foreclosure process (up from 4.08% in November) for a total of 12.98%. It breaks down as:

• 2.56 million loans less than 90 days delinquent.

• 2.12 million loans 90+ days delinquent.

• 2.2 million loans in foreclosure process.

For a total of 6.87 million loans delinquent or in foreclosure.

The second graph shows the break down of serious deliquencies.

LPS reported "the share of seriously delinquent loans that have not made payments in over a year continues to increase.".

Note: I've seen some people include these 7 million delinquent loans as "shadow inventory". This is not correct because 1) some of these loans will cure, and 2) some of these homes are already listed for sale (so they are included in the visible inventory).

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money on the Internet

From the Media Decoder blog at the New York Times on Saturday:

On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.

For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. ... Friday’s separation agreement between MSNBC and Mr. Olbermann includes restrictions on when he can next lead a television show and when he can give interviews about the decision to end his association with the news channel.

The executives involved in the discussions confirmed that the deal carries limitations for Mr. Olbermann in terms of when he can next work on television, though he will be able to take a job in radio or on any forum on the Internet. The deal also prohibits the host from commenting publicly on the deal, the executives confirmed. ... None of the executives who discussed the deal would reveal the exact length of the restrictions.
The article quotes free-speech law professor Marvin Ammori as questioning the move and saying via email that "Comcast’s shakedown of NBC has just begun."

Comcast denies any involvement and says it has pledged "not interfere with NBC Universal’s news operations."

So, who you gonna believe — your lying eyes? Or that nice cable provider you send all that money to?


NOTE FROM JOHN: Sure, the exit was planned weeks ago - that's why Keith said Friday night that he was told Friday would be his last show (and making it sound like he was JUST told), and that's why Keith didn't even tell anyone he was leaving until his last show was on the air. None of this sounds like a deal that was worked out weeks ago. Though, note the quote: weeks in the making. You could argue it was months or years in the making, if you want to talk about souring relationships.

And yes, the restrictions on when Olbermann can next go on the air are sickening. I suspect, and hope, NBC/Comcast paid Olbermann millions to keep him off the air. But as consumers, and politically aware Americans, it's disturbing as hell that NBC and Comcast just required one of the top voices of the left, if not its top voice on television, to STFU for the foreseeable future. It only makes the move by NBC and Comcast look all the more political, and worse, partisan.

From the Media Decoder blog at the New York Times on Saturday:

On Thursday, NBC’s news division staged an elaborate presentation for advertisers, seeking to sell commercial time in NBC’s news programs over the next year. All the members of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup spoke at the lunch with one exception: Keith Olbermann, the network’s biggest star.

For the last several weeks, Mr. Olbermann and the network have been in negotiations to end his successful run on MSNBC, according to executives involved in the talks who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. ... Friday’s separation agreement between MSNBC and Mr. Olbermann includes restrictions on when he can next lead a television show and when he can give interviews about the decision to end his association with the news channel.

The executives involved in the discussions confirmed that the deal carries limitations for Mr. Olbermann in terms of when he can next work on television, though he will be able to take a job in radio or on any forum on the Internet. The deal also prohibits the host from commenting publicly on the deal, the executives confirmed. ... None of the executives who discussed the deal would reveal the exact length of the restrictions.
The article quotes free-speech law professor Marvin Ammori as questioning the move and saying via email that "Comcast’s shakedown of NBC has just begun."

Comcast denies any involvement and says it has pledged "not interfere with NBC Universal’s news operations."

So, who you gonna believe — your lying eyes? Or that nice cable provider you send all that money to?


NOTE FROM JOHN: Sure, the exit was planned weeks ago - that's why Keith said Friday night that he was told Friday would be his last show (and making it sound like he was JUST told), and that's why Keith didn't even tell anyone he was leaving until his last show was on the air. None of this sounds like a deal that was worked out weeks ago. Though, note the quote: weeks in the making. You could argue it was months or years in the making, if you want to talk about souring relationships.

And yes, the restrictions on when Olbermann can next go on the air are sickening. I suspect, and hope, NBC/Comcast paid Olbermann millions to keep him off the air. But as consumers, and politically aware Americans, it's disturbing as hell that NBC and Comcast just required one of the top voices of the left, if not its top voice on television, to STFU for the foreseeable future. It only makes the move by NBC and Comcast look all the more political, and worse, partisan.

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money Internet

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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Make Money Fast | Get Rich Quick | Make Money From Home by thenyouwin

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Beth Knobel: Why CBS <b>News</b>, and Everyone Else, Needs to Remember <b>...</b>

The future of journalism is bleak: too many journalists are satisfied parroting wire service copy instead of doing original reporting. The problem lies in the two vicious cycles this trend creates.

Former Employee Call Fox <b>News</b> A &quot;Propaganda Outfit&quot; | <b>News</b> One

A former Fox News employees has sat down with Media Matters and revealed what many have been thought to be true for years, that Fox News is a partisan driven propaganda outfit.

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If you're a freelance writer, or thinking about becoming one, then you know that writing is the easy part. Finding places to pitch your writing, eg, marketing it, takes up the bulk of your time.

Well, there are a few ways on the Internet where you can start making money right away - as in, within one week. Following are three.

1. Write for Pay Sites (3 Reviewed)

A. My favorite write-for-pay site. The beauty of writing for this site is that you write what you want and get paid for it - anywhere from $3 to $40 for a minimum 400-word article. They also accept videos for payment.

The reason I like this site is: 1) as mentioned above, you write what you want. No editor guidelines to follow, writing about subjects that you have no interest in and/or tons of research to do. 2) No minimum pay out to reach (many sites have a minimum you have to reach before you get paid); and 3) Fairly quick turnaround time They usually take 5-7 business days to read your submission and make you an offer.

If you have a hobby, a subject you are passionate about, or a subject you want to take the time to write about - for whatever reason - simply set up an Author's account with them (it's FREE!) and submit.

NOTE: On rare occasions, your article will be rejected. However, the editors usually leave a note explaining why and you then have the chance to make changes and resubmit the content. As I said, to be rejected is rare, but on the few occasions I have been, I always rewrote and usually got a higher than normal offer by acting on the editor's suggestions.

Since I've been a freelance writer for over a decade and had a large library of content, I made a couple of hundred dollars in a few week's time by submitting previously published material.

Didn't I mention that the material you submit doesn't have to be original? You will be paid less for it, but as it's already written and has probably been used for other purposes, it's like free cash. They pay more for original material and material that they specifically request (new topics are emailed from the administrator each Friday).

B. With, it takes them up to two weeks to review your article, and more often than not, you will have to make some revisions before your article will be accepted.

Also, it takes them up to three months to get your article on the web. Another drawback of this site is that they own the copyright to the work (eg, you can't resell the content) and you have to choose from topics they list on which to write.

To their credit, the list of topics can be wide-ranging and they pay from $10 to $15 per article. But, if you have a hankering to write about, for example, the World Cup, and it's not on their list, you won't get paid for it.

C. With this site, you basically put your articles up for bid, setting your own price. However, a lot of writers there offer their articles for free, which diminishes your chance of selling one - especially if it's in the same genre. Further, you have to keep your price pretty low to sell articles - anywhere from $1 to $5. Although, this can increase if you write for high-paying genres, eg, finance, technical, etc.

On the upside, you can resell content here. So, if you are going to write an article anyway and sell it elsewhere, you might as well post it here. However, another drawback is that you won't be paid until your account hits the $50 mark. Realistically, this can take months, especially if you are only posting one or two articles a week and selling them for $2 or $3 each.

There are tons of ways to sell your writing online; these three sites are just to get you going and/or supplement what you may already be doing.

2. Start an Article Directory: This takes a bit more work, but is very simple to start. What do people look for on the Internet - information - lots of it!

To start an article directory, all you have to do is put up a simple website and start soliciting writers to submit their articles to you - free of charge. Most article writers are promoters of something - e-books, seminars, software, workshops, etc. They are constantly looking for free and/or low-cost exposure.

Soon, you can have hundreds of pages of content. How will you make money? Add Google ads (details below). Every time someone clicks on one of the ads, you make money.

Many article directories take articles on many subjects; some specialize. Only you can decide which is right for you. I personally prefer niche directories because as the web expands, I think users will revisit a directory that carries quality information on a specific topic more often than one that carries a lot of articles on everything. Even if you separate them out by category, I find the "all inclusive directories" too overwhelming. Again, it's up to you.

The real key to making money with an article directory is promoting it and getting good, quality articles for your site. To get excellent articles, surf the web using key words on your subject. Once you find an article you like, contact the author (most will have their contact info in the resource box at the end of the article) and ask them to regularly submit articles to your directory. They will almost always say yes.

Once your directory has been indexed by search engines, many will start sending you articles automatically. This is when your site should really take off. Once you have a few hundred articles in your directory (and this can literally take as little as a few weeks if you put in the time), slap those Google ads on each page, and voila - you have hundreds of pages of content carrying ads that, each time they're clicked, is money in your pocket.

NOTE: There are many article directories online where you can automatically pull articles from to get started. Do a Google search for "article directory" and about 3.5 million (yes, million!) results pop up.

Article Directory Software: If you want to put out a little money, you can purchase software that will completely automate this process for you. Do a Google search for "article directory software" and close to half a million results come up. With most of the software you can choose to buy and install yourself, or have the publisher install it for you. Note: You have to be a real techie if you choose to go the self-install route.

Before starting an article directory, I recommend taking several hours and doing some reading on the subject. While it's a relatively simple concept, it can be a lot of work up front - but can pay huge dividends over the months and years to come.

To learn more about getting those Google ads you see on many websites, go to Click on "Advertising Programs" (a plain text button right under the search box). Then click on "For Web Publishers: Google AdSense". Finally, click on "What is AdSense? Quick Tour". The program will be explained in detail and you can have it up and running in about 5 minutes.

3. Start a Blog: This is becoming old hat, but is still new and fresh enough that if you have a passion for something and can target a highly defined niche, you can start a blog on it, add some Google Adsense ads, and turn it into a few hundred bucks a month without too much effort. Want to make more? Like anything in life, the more time you commit to it, the more your income will rise.

There's even a new website,, that acts as a blog literary agent. What do I mean by this? Specifically, they "help you license your blog for both commercial and non-commercial use." In essence, they help you sell your blog's content. See full details at their site.

Blogs are no longer just for ranting about your last bad relationship or the bad dye job your colorist did on your hair. They are professional outlets for making money now.

To read a case study of how a personal interest can be turned into a popular, moneymaking blog, go to and do a search of their site for ""Back in Skinny Jeans". The article should pop up. It's very, very interesting reading.

FYI, to start a blog, go to, create an account and start blogging away. It's FREE!

SUMMARY: These are not get-rich-quick schemes. My mission at is to help creative and editorial freelancers earn a decent living. I will never promise you that you will "make thousands a month by just doing x", as many will. Don't believe the hype.

I have been in publishing since 1987, and have been a freelancer since 1993. Believe me, I've heard about and tried so many different programs. The only way to make money is to consistently plug away at something. It takes time and effort, effort and time. The good news is that if you are determined to make a living as a creative professional, the Internet makes it easier than ever. And, it can be done "relatively" easy if you choose effective methods and consistently implement them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Easy Money

Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
curve.  What gives? 

How banks really make money

Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
credit spread. 

In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
risk free spread above 2 points.

In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
having to originate a single loan.

You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
and fire half of your employees?

Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
curve.  What gives? 

How banks really make money

Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
credit spread. 

In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
risk free spread above 2 points.

In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
having to originate a single loan.

You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
and fire half of your employees?

Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
bench craft company>

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company
bench craft company

How to teach guitar,how to make money teaching guitar,teaching guitar by thenyouwin

bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

Submitted by Taylor Cottam of Economy Politics

Another Call For The Fed To Raise Rates, So Big Banks Can Start Lending And Hiring Again

As we explained in our previous article Seeking an interest rate solution,
real interest rates are negative and nominal short term interest rates
are near zero. That is not healthy. What is a healthy interest rate? My
view is that short term rates should be above 1% to make them positive
and closer to 2%.  It has caused consumer credit to contract. 

Of course, banks would argue that a healthy spread is the key to a
healthy banking sector.  Raising the rate would likely flatten the yield
curve.  What gives? 

How banks really make money

Banks are not in the business of making loans per se.  They are in the
business of making more off their assets than their liabilities.  In
normal times, underwriting consumer and business loans are the best
avenue for them to pursue that goal. 

Banks, and many hedge funds, really make money off the yield curve. They
have assets with a higher duration than their liabilities. Although
banks fund their assets with a mix of checking, demand deposits and some
longer dated term deposits (CDs), they have the ability to swap out
longer term deposits (CDs) to make their liabilities duration almost
zero. Their assets, which are typically loans to consumers and
businesses, have a longer duration.  Since the yield curve almost always
slopes upward, they make money off the yield curve spread plus the
credit spread. 

In 2008, I did some modeling for a large financial institution that had
duration of liabilities of roughly 3.5 years, based upon mostly term
deposits. They were able to bring the duration on their entire
liabilities portfolio down to a duration of less than 0.25 (3 months) by
transacting a simple fixed for floating amortizing swap based upon
their CD maturity schedule. Every quarter, with the 3 month rate sunk
below 25 bps, we would receive a large cash settlement from our
investment bank counterparty. I didn't stick for the full term of the
swap, but on a 1.5 BB principal, our estimate of earnings from the swap
alone stood at $100MM over three years. Based upon where short term
rates have stayed, they could have made 1.5 times that.

With our cost of capital below 25 bps, we did the thing that any
rational person would do.  We stopped lending to people and
businesses and lent to the US government instead.  We bought Treasuries.
In this case, the 5-year yields were above 2% bringing our expected
risk free spread above 2 points.

In 2008 and 2009, when it became obvious that Bernanke would likely
leave short-term rates low for an extended period of time, yield curve
risk became an afterthought. Those actions have been largely vindicated.
If we held the Treasuries for at least three years, the term of the
swap, we would just sit back and make money off the spread without
having to originate a single loan.

You get to be a bank, without having to do any work to originate loans.
Who needs a large origination group, when you can make a ton of money
and fire half of your employees?

Pushed or Pulled into Treasuries

During the recession there was often talk of a flight to quality.
Investors would flee risky assets and go into something safe. However,
investors are not always being pushed, they are often pulled. During the
recession, we began seeing a very steep yield curve. The spread
investors are as much lured by the allure of easy money with a steep
yield curve as they are by the fear of risky assets.

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.
bench craft company

How to teach guitar,how to make money teaching guitar,teaching guitar by thenyouwin

bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

How to teach guitar,how to make money teaching guitar,teaching guitar by thenyouwin

bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

How to teach guitar,how to make money teaching guitar,teaching guitar by thenyouwin

bench craft company
bench craft company

Raven&#39;s James Bond now 20 months old? <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of Raven's James Bond now 20 months old?.

House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act -

It was the Congressional version of never count your chickens before they're hatched.

Fox <b>News</b> focus group in Iowa: President Obama is Muslim | The <b>...</b>

On Sean Hannity's program Monday night, pollster Frank Luntz hosted a focus group of Iowa Republican caucus-goers, gauging their reaction of President Barack Obama's Sunday afternoon interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. ...

bench craft company

No matter what kind of job you currently have, most people are always open to making extra money. Whether it be for extra shopping fun, or to help supplement an income that's barely covering the bills, a few extra dollars is never something to sneeze at.

Here are my top suggestions for making extra money, no matter what your situation dictates.

Write for AC

All right, most of you reading this already write for AC, so that goes without saying. However, if you're like me, you often push articles aside to do other things, because the pay is low enough not to warrant it top on the priority list. What you must tell yourself is that while the pay is not much, even an extra $10 a week adds up. If you can get at least two articles a week paid for, it's worth it. And who knows, perhaps that one special article will lead to bigger opportunities.

Get Crafty

A lot of people have at least one great craft skill that they use to make gifts or simply pass the time. What a lot of people don't realize however, is that there is a good market out there for handmade crafts. From quits, to needlepoint, to homemade jelly, people pay good money for original crafts.

In order to find a market for your items, find out what organizations run the craft fairs in your area. The craft fair season usually runs from around August to December, with the bigger shows running closer to the holidays. Setting up at a craft fair can involve fees for space rental, so you should research it and make sure you'll get a return on your fees.

You can also bring your work to locally owned retail shops in your area. Some shops will agree to sell your work in a consignment fashion. There are even shops out there that run as retail co-ops, where you can get space to sell your work as long as you put in some time working at the shop.

The web is also a great place to market your crafts. Great sites like Etsy, and even eBay offer an easy and affordable way to reach thousands of potential customers easily.


Have a college degree that doesn't seem to be doing much for you? Look into tutoring opportunities to put your hard earned knowledge to work for you. There are many national tutoring agencies that you can sign up with, setting your own hours and days. You can also look into contacting your local school district to discuss tutoring opportunities.

The great thing about tutoring is that you can work nights and weekends, with a flexible schedule set by you. You can even arrange to have students come to your home so you don't have to worry about commuting.


In addition to tutoring, there are a lot of teaching opportunities out there that people aren't aware of. Many Adult Education programs allow people to apply to teach courses in which they have expertise, but not necessarily a teaching certification. Teach a six-week course on writing short stories, or a one-day course on making earrings; it's all up to you and your area of knowledge.

Once again, this can be dictated by your availability. If you can only do a one-day Saturday course, then that's what you apply to teach. While there is an interview process and paperwork, it's a rewarding experience, a great way to interact with the community, and to make a few extra dollars sharing what you love.

Spring Cleaning

Getting rid of your old stuff is a great way to make money while ridding yourself of needless clutter. What you might consider junk, someone else may be needing or wanting desperately. Take an afternoon to go through your stuff, especially all of the things hiding in your basement. Once you've made a significant "junk" pile, sell your items on eBay or hold a good 'ol fashion yard sale.

Odd Jobs

Own a lawnmower? How about a shovel? There are always odd jobs that people need doing. Post your talents on CraigsList or local classifieds. Raking leaves is a great way to spend an afternoon outdoors while making extra money. More likely than not, if your willing to do someone's household chores, they're willing to pay you for it.

Whatever your niche, there's money out there to be made. Even if your current schedule is tight, there's a lot of opportunity out there to squeeze in something here or there to make money. It's only limited by your imagination, and your willingness to get your hands dirty.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

surface encounters

NFL <b>News</b>: Non-Super Bowl Edition - Blogging The Boys

What's going on around the NFL that's not about the Super Bowl? We take a look at few stories.

Nightly <b>News</b>: Richard Gere Is in &#39;Arbitrage&#39;; &#39;The Beaver <b>...</b>

Richard Gere is close to nabbing the lead role in 'Arbitrage,' a financial drama about a troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his.

EXCLUSIVE: Two women on &#39;Top Shot&#39; say pressure competing with 14 <b>...</b>

For those who prefer guns and ammo to pin cushions and measuring tape, tonight is.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to Making Money

..........and bullshit walks! Easy as that for start-ups when it comes to making up your mind about raising additional capital. Are we in a bubble? No idea but this question keeps creeping up. Those of us who went through the bubble at the turn of the century are secretly hoping we're not in another one. Those who don't remember the last one are also worried wondering whether all the old-timers are right. One way or another, it doesn't really matter. 

You'll hear multiple opinions on whether to raise money at times like this. I have a very clear opinion on this. It's based on the fact that I believe the best venture backed businesses are in it for the long haul. These are companies with a real product that add value to their customers. These are businesses generating real cashflow intent on growing to significant scale. Finally, these are businesses which will use additional money to expand. Hence, here's my take on when to take money (with focus on EU based businesses): 

1. Sequoia or Kleiner are on the phone. Start negotiating, get the best deal you can get and make sure to raise the money. Say what you will but Tier 1 VC's from the US will lead to a far larger exit. Specifically the top tier funds have access to management for your businesses, access to potential partners and are likely to sit on the boards of the companies that could buy you. You'd be dumb not to take money but do so wisely. 

2. A tier 1 fund from Europe is interested. Find out whether there's a good fit with your businesses. I've often enough written about how to figure this out and I say to focus on the partner and not the fund when doing your due diligence. Negotiate a good deal and take the money. Tier 1 funds in Europe have learned to add value, have significantly better networks nowadays and will most likely get you bought by a US based business.    

2.5. A tier 1 fund from your home country calls up. I've labeled this 2.5 because Tier 1 funds in Europe tend to only differentiate themselves based on where they are located. The rest is mostly the same. The benefit of a tier 1 locally invested in your business is the proximity. It's in your interest. You want them closer than further. If the terms are right and you have offers from abroad and locally, I'd sway towards local but the vibe has to be right. You won't be necessarily doing anything wrong taking money from a London VC verses a German VC when you are in Germany. The London VC may even be around more than the German VC. This all depends on the partner. 

3. A tier 2 fund from the US calls up. Ask yourself first why they found you? Go ahead and ask. Further, research the fund and find out what they've done in the past. Have they invested in Europe before? Are they only looking to Europe because their dealflow in the US sucks? Think twice about whether they will invest the necessary time to be in Europe and invested in your business. If the deal terms are good and you are comfortable with the partner doing the deal, take the money. They can still be helpful in accessing US buyers. They are highly unlikely to open as many doors as Kleiner or Sequoia but they definitely know more people in the US than many European partners. Plus make sure you want to go to the US. They will probably eventually ask you to move the company there.

4.  A tier 2 fund from outside your home region in the EU finds you. Ask yourself how the hell they found you. More importantly, if you found them, ask yourself why the Tier 1 funds from your local region aren't interested in what you are doing. Say what you will but a UK based fund prefers to invest first in the UK and then rest of Europe. A German fund in Germany and then rest of Europe, etc. Although valuations are good and the power is in your hands to some extent think twice. There are times when taking money could be detrimental to the health of your business (as well as to your equity stake). It's nice to get a higher valuation and some extra cash but make sure it doesn't ultimately cost you more than you think. 

5. A tier 2 fund from your local region calls up. Again, ask yourself first why the tier 1 funds aren't interested. Don't underestimate the value of many tier 2 funds though. Maybe they aren't the best known name in the market. At the same time, maybe they are striving to become a better fund. Maybe the number two in the market will work harder than the number one for you. This may be in your interest. Maybe! Do your homework and if you are comfortable with terms, take the money. Be far more diligent in this case though. Think longer and harder about whether you really can do more with the money now or prefer to hold out a bit. 

6. Some tier 3 fund you've never heard of and can't find out much about approaches you. Be really careful. There are lots of people in this business who sure won't be around in a couple years. Money from these guys can be a nightmare. At the same time, maybe your business is the nightmare and you couldn't raise money at any other time. One way or another, things aren't going right one way or another. If you need the money to survive and know you'll never get more down the road, do everything you can to raise cash now. Maybe you've just been approached by the future Kleiner or Sequoia of Europe. Maybe not.....but money talks and bullshit walks!

You'll notice a general trend from 1. through 6. above. Take the money! If you can get good terms, know how to put the money you raise to work for growth and like the partner from the funds approaching you, go for it. The getting is good right now. As a VC I'm worried about valuations and bursting bubbles, etc. but as an entrepreneur you should be optimizing for you business. Money is always good. Ignore all the crap about having too much money and being negatively swayed by this. In this post I am defaulting to the fact that I think you are a smart entrepreneur. You aren't going to raise money to get that Porsche as a company car. You're going to grow your business and become amazing. Some will say I am wrong but I'd prefer to have the cash in the bank and worry about being wrong later.  

A report to be released from Goldman Sachs today will not only disclose some details about how the secretive firm operates and plans to change their operations in the future — as required by the Business Standards Committee established by CEO Lloyd Blankfein in response to the SEC lawsuit against the them — it "will disclose more about how it makes money," according to Bloomberg News. Of course, it will likely contain only a little bit of information to this effect, seeing as it is only 63 pages, most of which will likely be self-justifying defenses of their existing business model, and because Goldman doesn't give anything away that easily, especially not to "mollify their critics," per the Journal. If you really want to find out how Goldman makes money, you're going to have to look closely.

First, you're going to have to identify and decipher the secret code hidden within the paper, which will lead you to a map located underneath the floorboards of an out-of-the-way cabin, which will lead you to a musty castle in the basement of which sits a nervous owl with a capsule on its foot. The capsule, if you are lucky enough to soothe the owl long enough to remove it, will contain a password to a trap door, which, will lead you to an old but powerful woman who will ask you a series of questions, such as: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?" After that, you must pass through an area of extreme heat, an area of extreme cold, and swim 40 lengths through a pool full of Mischievously Tickling Goldfish. Only then you will find the secret, which will be some variation of the fact that the company buys stuff cheap and sells it for more money.

bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

benchcraft company portland or

..........and bullshit walks! Easy as that for start-ups when it comes to making up your mind about raising additional capital. Are we in a bubble? No idea but this question keeps creeping up. Those of us who went through the bubble at the turn of the century are secretly hoping we're not in another one. Those who don't remember the last one are also worried wondering whether all the old-timers are right. One way or another, it doesn't really matter. 

You'll hear multiple opinions on whether to raise money at times like this. I have a very clear opinion on this. It's based on the fact that I believe the best venture backed businesses are in it for the long haul. These are companies with a real product that add value to their customers. These are businesses generating real cashflow intent on growing to significant scale. Finally, these are businesses which will use additional money to expand. Hence, here's my take on when to take money (with focus on EU based businesses): 

1. Sequoia or Kleiner are on the phone. Start negotiating, get the best deal you can get and make sure to raise the money. Say what you will but Tier 1 VC's from the US will lead to a far larger exit. Specifically the top tier funds have access to management for your businesses, access to potential partners and are likely to sit on the boards of the companies that could buy you. You'd be dumb not to take money but do so wisely. 

2. A tier 1 fund from Europe is interested. Find out whether there's a good fit with your businesses. I've often enough written about how to figure this out and I say to focus on the partner and not the fund when doing your due diligence. Negotiate a good deal and take the money. Tier 1 funds in Europe have learned to add value, have significantly better networks nowadays and will most likely get you bought by a US based business.    

2.5. A tier 1 fund from your home country calls up. I've labeled this 2.5 because Tier 1 funds in Europe tend to only differentiate themselves based on where they are located. The rest is mostly the same. The benefit of a tier 1 locally invested in your business is the proximity. It's in your interest. You want them closer than further. If the terms are right and you have offers from abroad and locally, I'd sway towards local but the vibe has to be right. You won't be necessarily doing anything wrong taking money from a London VC verses a German VC when you are in Germany. The London VC may even be around more than the German VC. This all depends on the partner. 

3. A tier 2 fund from the US calls up. Ask yourself first why they found you? Go ahead and ask. Further, research the fund and find out what they've done in the past. Have they invested in Europe before? Are they only looking to Europe because their dealflow in the US sucks? Think twice about whether they will invest the necessary time to be in Europe and invested in your business. If the deal terms are good and you are comfortable with the partner doing the deal, take the money. They can still be helpful in accessing US buyers. They are highly unlikely to open as many doors as Kleiner or Sequoia but they definitely know more people in the US than many European partners. Plus make sure you want to go to the US. They will probably eventually ask you to move the company there.

4.  A tier 2 fund from outside your home region in the EU finds you. Ask yourself how the hell they found you. More importantly, if you found them, ask yourself why the Tier 1 funds from your local region aren't interested in what you are doing. Say what you will but a UK based fund prefers to invest first in the UK and then rest of Europe. A German fund in Germany and then rest of Europe, etc. Although valuations are good and the power is in your hands to some extent think twice. There are times when taking money could be detrimental to the health of your business (as well as to your equity stake). It's nice to get a higher valuation and some extra cash but make sure it doesn't ultimately cost you more than you think. 

5. A tier 2 fund from your local region calls up. Again, ask yourself first why the tier 1 funds aren't interested. Don't underestimate the value of many tier 2 funds though. Maybe they aren't the best known name in the market. At the same time, maybe they are striving to become a better fund. Maybe the number two in the market will work harder than the number one for you. This may be in your interest. Maybe! Do your homework and if you are comfortable with terms, take the money. Be far more diligent in this case though. Think longer and harder about whether you really can do more with the money now or prefer to hold out a bit. 

6. Some tier 3 fund you've never heard of and can't find out much about approaches you. Be really careful. There are lots of people in this business who sure won't be around in a couple years. Money from these guys can be a nightmare. At the same time, maybe your business is the nightmare and you couldn't raise money at any other time. One way or another, things aren't going right one way or another. If you need the money to survive and know you'll never get more down the road, do everything you can to raise cash now. Maybe you've just been approached by the future Kleiner or Sequoia of Europe. Maybe not.....but money talks and bullshit walks!

You'll notice a general trend from 1. through 6. above. Take the money! If you can get good terms, know how to put the money you raise to work for growth and like the partner from the funds approaching you, go for it. The getting is good right now. As a VC I'm worried about valuations and bursting bubbles, etc. but as an entrepreneur you should be optimizing for you business. Money is always good. Ignore all the crap about having too much money and being negatively swayed by this. In this post I am defaulting to the fact that I think you are a smart entrepreneur. You aren't going to raise money to get that Porsche as a company car. You're going to grow your business and become amazing. Some will say I am wrong but I'd prefer to have the cash in the bank and worry about being wrong later.  

A report to be released from Goldman Sachs today will not only disclose some details about how the secretive firm operates and plans to change their operations in the future — as required by the Business Standards Committee established by CEO Lloyd Blankfein in response to the SEC lawsuit against the them — it "will disclose more about how it makes money," according to Bloomberg News. Of course, it will likely contain only a little bit of information to this effect, seeing as it is only 63 pages, most of which will likely be self-justifying defenses of their existing business model, and because Goldman doesn't give anything away that easily, especially not to "mollify their critics," per the Journal. If you really want to find out how Goldman makes money, you're going to have to look closely.

First, you're going to have to identify and decipher the secret code hidden within the paper, which will lead you to a map located underneath the floorboards of an out-of-the-way cabin, which will lead you to a musty castle in the basement of which sits a nervous owl with a capsule on its foot. The capsule, if you are lucky enough to soothe the owl long enough to remove it, will contain a password to a trap door, which, will lead you to an old but powerful woman who will ask you a series of questions, such as: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?" After that, you must pass through an area of extreme heat, an area of extreme cold, and swim 40 lengths through a pool full of Mischievously Tickling Goldfish. Only then you will find the secret, which will be some variation of the fact that the company buys stuff cheap and sells it for more money.

bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

benchcraft company scam
benchcraft company portland or

MobileMonday Madrid - How To Make Money With Apps &amp; AppCircus by random0

benchcraft company portland or

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

benchcraft company portland or

..........and bullshit walks! Easy as that for start-ups when it comes to making up your mind about raising additional capital. Are we in a bubble? No idea but this question keeps creeping up. Those of us who went through the bubble at the turn of the century are secretly hoping we're not in another one. Those who don't remember the last one are also worried wondering whether all the old-timers are right. One way or another, it doesn't really matter. 

You'll hear multiple opinions on whether to raise money at times like this. I have a very clear opinion on this. It's based on the fact that I believe the best venture backed businesses are in it for the long haul. These are companies with a real product that add value to their customers. These are businesses generating real cashflow intent on growing to significant scale. Finally, these are businesses which will use additional money to expand. Hence, here's my take on when to take money (with focus on EU based businesses): 

1. Sequoia or Kleiner are on the phone. Start negotiating, get the best deal you can get and make sure to raise the money. Say what you will but Tier 1 VC's from the US will lead to a far larger exit. Specifically the top tier funds have access to management for your businesses, access to potential partners and are likely to sit on the boards of the companies that could buy you. You'd be dumb not to take money but do so wisely. 

2. A tier 1 fund from Europe is interested. Find out whether there's a good fit with your businesses. I've often enough written about how to figure this out and I say to focus on the partner and not the fund when doing your due diligence. Negotiate a good deal and take the money. Tier 1 funds in Europe have learned to add value, have significantly better networks nowadays and will most likely get you bought by a US based business.    

2.5. A tier 1 fund from your home country calls up. I've labeled this 2.5 because Tier 1 funds in Europe tend to only differentiate themselves based on where they are located. The rest is mostly the same. The benefit of a tier 1 locally invested in your business is the proximity. It's in your interest. You want them closer than further. If the terms are right and you have offers from abroad and locally, I'd sway towards local but the vibe has to be right. You won't be necessarily doing anything wrong taking money from a London VC verses a German VC when you are in Germany. The London VC may even be around more than the German VC. This all depends on the partner. 

3. A tier 2 fund from the US calls up. Ask yourself first why they found you? Go ahead and ask. Further, research the fund and find out what they've done in the past. Have they invested in Europe before? Are they only looking to Europe because their dealflow in the US sucks? Think twice about whether they will invest the necessary time to be in Europe and invested in your business. If the deal terms are good and you are comfortable with the partner doing the deal, take the money. They can still be helpful in accessing US buyers. They are highly unlikely to open as many doors as Kleiner or Sequoia but they definitely know more people in the US than many European partners. Plus make sure you want to go to the US. They will probably eventually ask you to move the company there.

4.  A tier 2 fund from outside your home region in the EU finds you. Ask yourself how the hell they found you. More importantly, if you found them, ask yourself why the Tier 1 funds from your local region aren't interested in what you are doing. Say what you will but a UK based fund prefers to invest first in the UK and then rest of Europe. A German fund in Germany and then rest of Europe, etc. Although valuations are good and the power is in your hands to some extent think twice. There are times when taking money could be detrimental to the health of your business (as well as to your equity stake). It's nice to get a higher valuation and some extra cash but make sure it doesn't ultimately cost you more than you think. 

5. A tier 2 fund from your local region calls up. Again, ask yourself first why the tier 1 funds aren't interested. Don't underestimate the value of many tier 2 funds though. Maybe they aren't the best known name in the market. At the same time, maybe they are striving to become a better fund. Maybe the number two in the market will work harder than the number one for you. This may be in your interest. Maybe! Do your homework and if you are comfortable with terms, take the money. Be far more diligent in this case though. Think longer and harder about whether you really can do more with the money now or prefer to hold out a bit. 

6. Some tier 3 fund you've never heard of and can't find out much about approaches you. Be really careful. There are lots of people in this business who sure won't be around in a couple years. Money from these guys can be a nightmare. At the same time, maybe your business is the nightmare and you couldn't raise money at any other time. One way or another, things aren't going right one way or another. If you need the money to survive and know you'll never get more down the road, do everything you can to raise cash now. Maybe you've just been approached by the future Kleiner or Sequoia of Europe. Maybe not.....but money talks and bullshit walks!

You'll notice a general trend from 1. through 6. above. Take the money! If you can get good terms, know how to put the money you raise to work for growth and like the partner from the funds approaching you, go for it. The getting is good right now. As a VC I'm worried about valuations and bursting bubbles, etc. but as an entrepreneur you should be optimizing for you business. Money is always good. Ignore all the crap about having too much money and being negatively swayed by this. In this post I am defaulting to the fact that I think you are a smart entrepreneur. You aren't going to raise money to get that Porsche as a company car. You're going to grow your business and become amazing. Some will say I am wrong but I'd prefer to have the cash in the bank and worry about being wrong later.  

A report to be released from Goldman Sachs today will not only disclose some details about how the secretive firm operates and plans to change their operations in the future — as required by the Business Standards Committee established by CEO Lloyd Blankfein in response to the SEC lawsuit against the them — it "will disclose more about how it makes money," according to Bloomberg News. Of course, it will likely contain only a little bit of information to this effect, seeing as it is only 63 pages, most of which will likely be self-justifying defenses of their existing business model, and because Goldman doesn't give anything away that easily, especially not to "mollify their critics," per the Journal. If you really want to find out how Goldman makes money, you're going to have to look closely.

First, you're going to have to identify and decipher the secret code hidden within the paper, which will lead you to a map located underneath the floorboards of an out-of-the-way cabin, which will lead you to a musty castle in the basement of which sits a nervous owl with a capsule on its foot. The capsule, if you are lucky enough to soothe the owl long enough to remove it, will contain a password to a trap door, which, will lead you to an old but powerful woman who will ask you a series of questions, such as: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?" After that, you must pass through an area of extreme heat, an area of extreme cold, and swim 40 lengths through a pool full of Mischievously Tickling Goldfish. Only then you will find the secret, which will be some variation of the fact that the company buys stuff cheap and sells it for more money.

benchcraft company portland or

MobileMonday Madrid - How To Make Money With Apps &amp; AppCircus by random0

bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

bench craft company reviews

MobileMonday Madrid - How To Make Money With Apps &amp; AppCircus by random0

bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

benchcraft company portland or

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

how to lose weight fast bench craft company reviews
benchcraft company portland or

MobileMonday Madrid - How To Make Money With Apps &amp; AppCircus by random0

benchcraft company scam
bench craft company reviews

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

benchcraft company scam

When paying most of your household bills, you may find that the expenses on your utilities may cause the costs of your bills to rise. Of course you need a lot of utilities, so eliminating altogether them could be hard to do. This could leave you wondering what you can do to ease this without losing your utilities.

There are different methods on how to save money on utilities. If this interests you, then here are six of those money saving methods for your utilities:

1. Figure out which of your appliances use up the most electricity and contribute the most to the electric bill. You can enroll in a home management load program, which will offer a 100-dollar savings in a year on electric utility hour rate programs. Dee if there are various ways to cut back on some of the electricity you are using as well without putting your family's safety or health at risk, such as turning the lights off when you leave a room and not playing in the sprinkler daily during the summer.

2. Having an improved appliance efficiency has been recommended. The appliances that use too much electricity are the heating system ones, the water heater, and even the refrigerator. You should be sure to regularly check the skillfulness of these items. If your appliance is well-maintained and can perform well, you will get a good use out of it and manage to save some money.

3. There are three things you should remember to do atleast twice a year: give your furnace a tune up, cover your water heater to insulate it, and clean your refrigerator coils. Set a timer when the heater is in use, so that you do not overdo it. You can also call your utility service to see if there is a low rate offered during any specific time of the day, and only use the utilities during that time of the day (if possible).

4. The fourth method on how to save money on utilities is to see what you can do to lower your heating bills. This can include not using your thermostat when you are out of the house, turning it down lower when you are asleep, or even turning it down by a few degrees. This can help you to save electricity and more money.

5. You should try to low your telephone bills. Reduce the amount of long distance phone calls you make, or see when you can call long distance at a lower rate. For examples, some telephone companies will allow you to make long distance phone calls at a lower rate during the night hours and weekends. You can also find an alternative way of communicating with people, such as through the internet and snail mail.

6. Another bill you may want to consider lowering is your water bill. See if there are any water leaks in your house and immediately look into fixing them. Be sure to turn the water off when brushing your teeth. The money you save on not washing your car with the hose can go towards going to the car wash. Use water toys such as a pool and sprinkler in moderation, so that you are not using water on them daily.

Now that you have learned the different methods on how to save money on utilities, you can start practicing them and start saving your money.

Reducing the use of some appliances and making sure they are working properly can help you with saving money on your utilities and household bills.

big seminar 14

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

big seminar 14

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

The First Look at <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s &#39;The Daily&#39; -

'The Daily,' unveiled on Wednesday, combines print, video and graphics.

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: BREAKING: Mubarak resigns as head of his party

News and opinion about US politics from a liberal perspective.

big seminar 14